Interviews with our authors & other news about their PROVOCATIONS books

Congratulations to our author, Claire Colebrook, for receiving the inaugural Hugh J. Silverman Book Prize in Philosophy and Literature for WHO WOULD YOU KILL TO SAVE THE WORLD? (2023), the 8th publication in our book series.

Mohamed Al Elew interviews Julia Schleck on her book DIRTY KNOWLEDGE: ACADEMIC FREEDOM IN THE AGE OF NEOLIBERALISM for The Markup (June 2024).

The New Books Network podcast features a conversation between psychoanalyst Matthew Pieknik and Oliver Davis & Tim Dean on their book HATRED OF SEX.

The Drunk Church podcast spent 4 episodes (#9 – #12) discussing Oliver Davis and Tim Dean’s HATRED OF SEX.

The Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Culture has published an interview with Tim Dean (co-author of HATRED OF SEX with Oliver Davis). This episode of the Penumbr(a) podcast series explores Tim Dean’s work as a thinker and writer, his thoughts on the critic Leo Bersani, and his response to the poem Ozymandias, by Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Oliver Davis and Tim Dean discussed their book HATRED OF SEX on the NEW BOOKS NETWORK podcast (August 11, 2022) with psychoanalyst and clinical psychologist Eugenio Duarte.

Claire Potter spoke on her Political Junkie podcast (episode #18, April 3, 2023) with Julia Schleck on her DIRTY KNOWLEDGE: ACADEMIC FREEDOM IN THE AGE OF NEOLIBERALISM.

Ryan Brooks of the Humanities on the High Plains podcast (episode 13, December 2022) spoke with Julia Schleck about her DIRTY KNOWLEDGE: ACADEMIC FREEDOM IN THE AGE OF NEOLIBERALISM–an occasion Dr. Schleck used to correct some of the misunderstandings of her argument.

Julia Schleck presented on her book, DIRTY KNOWLEDGE: ACADEMIC FREEDOM IN THE AGE OF NEOLIBERALISM, on January 28, 2022 at the University of Nebraska’s Robert J. Kutak Center for the Teaching and Study of Applied Ethics. Here is the video recording.

The Daily Nebraskan‘s Jason Q. Han spoke at great length with Julia Schleck about her book, DIRTY KNOWLEDGE: ACADEMIC FREEDOM IN THE AGE OF NEOLIBERALISM. Listen to their conversation here.

A Slovenian translation of Frank Ruda’s ABOLISHING FREEDOM: A PLEA FOR A CONTEMPORARY USE OF FATALISM (Provocations #1) is now available.

A Turkish translation of Frank Ruda’s ABOLISHING FREEDOM: A PLEA FOR A CONTEMPORARY USE OF FATALISM (Provocations #1) is now available.

Jordan Wannemacher praises Provocations book series design in Spine Magazine‘s summer 2019 University Press cover round-up. We thank Nathan Putens for his wonderful design for our book series.

Alexandra Kingston-Reese engages in-depth Jeff Nealon’s I’M NOT LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE: BIOPOLITICS, NEOLIBERALISM, AND AMERICAN POPULAR MUSIC in her essay “Ambient Moods: Close Listening, or Listening to Me” in ASAP Journal (Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present, July 2019).

Alfie Bown spoke with Frank Ruda about Abolishing Freedom for Hong Kong Review of Books (September 2016). And Dominik Finkelde and Sophie Adloff spoke with Ruda at the Munich School of Philosophy.